Friday, September 26, 2008

Running Hot and Cold...

There are many times where you just feel like nothing is going your way and everything is about to collapse. While other times you are so filled with excitement and happiness that you wonder why you ever worried in the first place. My mom and Ricky always tell me that things are going to work themselves out and although I know this to be true, I worry anyway. After all the dust settles and I hear all of the, "I told you so's" all I can say is, "I know I know."

As an update to my prayer request... I didn't receive the unemployment in my account this morning, but they did issue me a check for the full 8 weeks worth. So I should be receiving it in the next couple of days. =)

So for all of you who have put up with my worrying for the entirety of my life thank you! It's probably not going to get any better, but will promise you one thing.. I will always be appreciative of all of your support, love and understanding.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

i understand...i worry too! I'm also very impatient. but oh well!

I love you and it will be okay someday!!