Thursday, September 18, 2008

Certificate Update


Today I officially received my Professional Teaching Certificate in the mail!! If you can imagine me doing a little happy dance that should only be done in the privacy of your own home, then you are probably looking at something that is not only accurate, but unmistakeably hilarious.

I found out that apparently one of the reasons you do not receive your professional certificate until you get a job is because the issuance of a certificate requires fingerprinting. Apparently, since I had fingerprinting done in order to be a substitute, they had them on file so I could be issued a certificate. Granted, I am not 100% sure that is what happened, but whatever the case may be, I received it in the mail today.

So.... since I received my actual certificate, I was able to apply to grad school today for the program I wanted. I applied for the Art Education MEd program at UCF. All I have to do now is get my tetnus booster shot, get the doctor to sign my immunization form, and send it in with my transcripts from DBCC (All of which I am taking care of tomorrow... after my interview of course). Then... we wait again... woo hoo. At least one step of the process has been completed. I will keep everyone informed as the days go on as to the progress of my application. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers thus far. They were greatly appreciated.

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