Friday, September 19, 2008

A Productive Day

Well I must say, I think I have been more productive today than I have been in a long time. Not that I don't get things accomplished during the day at home, but there is just something about having to drive all over creation that just gives you a good sense of accomplishment that working at home doesn't bring.

I had my interview with the library this morning and it seemed to go rather well. I was able to answer all of their questions and the overall feel was very comfortable. I was even asked a few questions that I have never been asked in interviews before, so it was a nice change. Now I just have to sit back and see what happens. I will definitely keep everyone posted on that one.

After my interview, I was able to make it to a pilot test that I had scheduled which is always nice. They started up the pilot testing again so I am doing those in order to make a couple extra bucks. I am hoping that if I can get the job in the library and I can do pilot testing, then I will finally be able to contribute a little to the financial cause.

After pilot testing, I went and had lunch with one of my favorite people in the world (Jack) and MT and Nicastro. We had lunch at the mall and joked about baseball. It was just a great time as always. Just to finish off my productive afternoon, I dropped off my transcripts from DBCC to UCF and my application is now complete. Now more waiting begins.

Waiting... ugh... that's always the worst part. BUT at least there is UCF football this weekend.

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