For those of you who are unfamiliar with Choke, it is another novel written by Chuck Palahniuk (the author of Fight Club). Many people have seen the Fight Club film, and haven't read the book, but if one were to read the book, they would see the direct correlation between the two a would be able to say that the movie maintained the integrity of the book. This is not true for Choke. All I can assume is that Clark Gregg didn't truly understand the book and the overall theme it presented in its pages. He basically had an idea in his mind of the type of film that he wanted to make and pretty much ignored the integrity of the book.
To be honest, I don't even know where to begin. Well.. I take that back... the perfect thing to say is that the movie was the total disappointment that I thought it was going to be. The storyline didn't flow, the actors didn't do the characters justice, and above all... it was boring. So much of the book was left out of this film, that the only thing I can say reflected portions of the book were the names of the characters and the title of the film. The satirical and smart book that I have loved since I first opened to the first page was completely absent in what can only be called a stupid stoner movie version loosely inferring connection with a masterpiece in contemporary literature.
Ok.... ranting aside... the film as a movie was not successful. Several storylines flow throughout the movie, but none of them are ever resolved. They seem to start in the middle and end in the middle. There seemed to be no beginning-middle-end structure and to be honest, lacked a climax and closure. I felt that it was very hard to connect or feel for any of the characters. I didn't care about Victor or his mother, and I definitely didn't feel a sense of accomplishment for Denny. They didn't even end the movie correctly. Bad.... just bad sums it up.
What it comes down to is this... the movie was disgrace to the integrity of the book I have been such a fan of and to be honest this is one I don't even plan I purchasing the DVD if and when it ever comes out.
What will save this evening of bad movie watching?? The debates are on in 45 minutes... finally something interesting.
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