Thursday, July 17, 2008

Although you were not selected for this position...

Today is just one of those days where you start to feel slightly down. Not because its gloomy outside or because anything is really wrong, but more so because sometimes you just hate hearing the words:

"Thank you for applying for the position of ...
Although you were not selected for this position, we encourage
you to apply for other positions for which you may be
qualified as they become available. Please visit our website
at for additional vacancy information."

On average, I have been receiving about one rejection letter every other day. Some days I wouldn't receive any which tends to boost my spirits just a tad. But today was different. Today I received 7 before noon and they just keep coming. Since noon, 2 have been added to the collection. This brings the grand total of rejection letters up to 45. (These are from Orange/Seminole Counties Schools only... this does not include miscellaneous retail or other jobs) After a while it gets a bit depressing. I keep telling myself that only one has to say yes, but I'm not even getting any interviews. I go straight from application to rejection. I know the right job is out there for me, but it is frustrating when I have been looking for a job for over a year now and have yet to get any offers (much less good ones)

I continue on with my daily applications and tracking all of the jobs I have applied for versus the ones I have received word from and sit and hope that something will come along that will be the right job for me.

I do have a potential offer that I am looking forward to, but the waiting and waiting is what is getting to me. UGH!

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