Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our New House

Front of the house in Waterford Trails

Tile work in the Master bath

One of the hallways that leads to upstairs bedrooms


Different view of the kitchen to see the dining room

So here are a couple pictures of the new house we are going to be renting. I didnt take too many this time around, but we are hoping that with this house we will actually have a housewarming party/barbeque. We officially go and sign the lease on the first of May, but since our lease in this house isnt up until the first of June, it actually works out that we have a month to pack and move all of our stuff. I think we are going to rent a truck one weekend and request volunteers when we have to move the big furniture type items, but in that event, food will obviously be provided. 

Ricky and I are both hoping that we will be able to finally have a place that isnt going into foreclosure or on the verge of being put on the market to be sold. We are not big fans of having to move, but since we are put in the position there is obviously a reason for it. Although we may not know what that reason is at the moment, in the long run we will definitely understand later on. 

So here is just a taste for now.. I will continue to post updates as we get more info, but at the moment the next few weeks are filled with packing boxes and finishing up on the semester before we head to DC!

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