Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter= Rollercoasters and the Facts of Life

Seaworld for Easter

Easter sun rising over Kracken... Ahhhh Orlando

Just as the sun was beginning to rise

Big Daddy Weave jamming out at the sunrise service at Seaworld

Happy Easter!

This morning Ricky and I went to Seaworld for their Easter Sunrise Service. Apparently a local radio station has sponsored this particular event for the past 32 years and once again I had no idea it was even an option. I seem to be discovering all of these annual events in Orlando after I have lived here for almost 9 years. 

The weather was gorgeous this morning. There was a nice breeze and since the sun hadn't risen yet, it was still nice and cool. We got there at about 6:30AM, but a very large group had arrived before us. I would say there were at least 6,000 people there. The Christian group, Big Daddy Weave was playing the musical portions of the show and Lisa Whelchel (aka Blair from the Facts of Life) was the main speaker. Aside from the fact that she has a very high voice and rambles on a bit, she was a pretty interesting speaker. The best line of the whole thing was when she stopped for a moment to go off on a tangent to say, "If carbs are so bad for you, why is Jesus the bread of life?" I thought that was a great point (and rather amusing at the same time.) It was a very nice service with good music and a great setting. I was joking around with Ricky saying that it doesnt get much more "Orlando" than watching a sunrise service come up behind the twists of Kracken. How many places can you say that you were enjoying a nice church service while watching the Kracken cars being tested in the background. It was great and definitely my kind of service. 

We met up with a friend of ours for the service and then decided to have a nice breakfast at Denny's. We had the most energetic server on the planet (Tabetha) who definitely made our trip for breakfast an interesting one. After breakfast we headed to Port Orange and spent the afternoon watching the Masters and having a lovely dinner. It's always nice to spend some time with family and friends. 

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and don't forget, Easter candy goes on sale tomorrow... I'm just saying...

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