Sunday, October 5, 2008

Update on Grad School...

Well, today I received an email from UCF stating my application was incomplete. Confused by this email, I followed the directions and attempted to enter the MyUCF portal. If you are an applicant that has never attended UCF before, it is easy to gain access to the portal, but since I graduated over 3 years ago, I didn't remember my password. I remembered my PID because I had used it as a password in the past, but I had to change my password so many times, I couldn't remember what it was. So I click on forgot my password and what do they ask for??? My UCF ID card number... Let me reiterate that I graduated 3 years ago. BUT fortunately for me I am a pack rat and I still had it.

Once I get into the portal, I find out that the reason my application is incomplete is because they are missing my Bachelor's Degree transcripts. Oh yes.. you read it right.. I am missing my UCF transcripts for my UCF grad application. The only thing I can assume is that they looked up my transcripts by my name instead of my SSN.

Either way, I emailed them back to let them know that I believe they have my transcripts on file, and now we wait again. I jus hope that this doesn' delay my acceptance any longer. I would like to start to make preparations sooner rather than later, but we shall see.

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