Thursday, August 14, 2008

Migraine Wars

Sometimes being predictable is a good thing and sometimes its not. Today is one of those days where I can't decide which it is.

Prior to getting a true, full blown out migraine, my body gives me little hints that I should consider taking some Advil. In the corner of my right eye, I can usually start to see little squiggly lines. They start out small, but eventually cover my eye to the point that I can't see straight. They work across my eye and eventually go away. About 20 minutes after they have gone away, the pain begins. If I can take Advil while the squiggly lines are still there I can usually catch the migraine before it gets too bad.

Well, today in the middle of my workout at the gym, I saw the lines. Since Kenneth and I walk to the gym, I knew I had to get home to take something. I jumped off the machine I was on, told Kenneth I was leaving and got home as quickly as possible. Fortunately, I was able to catch the migraine before it got too bad and I only had a bit of pain for about an hour. On one side, I did miss half of my workout, but thanks to my body's predictability, I was able to thwart another evil migraine.

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