Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Creative Memories Scrapbook Crop

So this past weekend, the girls (me, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin Sarah) all went to the big Creative Memories Scrapbook Crop that they held at the Fairgrounds. This was the first time I had ever really gone to a large cropping event, so I was excited.

Once we got there on Saturday morning, we found our designated table and started to spread out our stuff. We had a decent amount of room to spread out in so we were able to get fairly comfortable. I planned on working on my Epcot Festivals album. For the past 3 years we have been going to the main festivals that Epcot holds each year (the Flower and Garden and the Food and Wine) Since I tend to take a lot of pictures when we go, I decided to dedicate an entire scrapbook to them. My goal was to catch up on all of the past festivals so I would be ready for this year's Food and Wine Festival starting at the end of September. I had about 19 pages I needed to do to get to that point and I was ready to accomplish my goal. As it turns out, I more than accomplished my goal and my album is ready for the last festival for this particular album. I will have to start a new album for next year. I was going to post some of the pages so that you could see them, but I need to get more batteries for my camera. Once I do, I will post them.

Throughout the course of the day (on every hour) they do drawings for prizes. Now last year my mom called me from the crop to tell me that she actually won a prize (this coming from the one who doesn't win anything). This year we figured that none of us were going to win anything. As we were chatting and they were drawing names, Sarah made the comment that if we do win something, it will probably be something we can't use. Wouldn't you know it, right after she said that, they call my mom's name again. She won again... and what did she win... something she can't use, page protectors for the wrong size album. We couldn't stop laughing. Fortunately, I actually asked for an album that size for Christmas so I have a feeling I will be appropriating them soon.

As the afternoon went on, we found out that they had a special drawing for people who had completed 25 pages or more. Since Sarah and I went above and beyond that number, we went up and picked out a number. We figured that there wouldn't be too many people who could finish that many pages so we thought we would have a good chance to at least win something pretty decent. So as the lady goes up on stage, she says that there are 57 people who completed 25 or more pages. Sarah and I looked at each other in disbelief. Our pages had been so detailed that there was no way 57 people could have the pages we had, but we kept our fingers crossed. The lady said if she read off your number you have won. So she begins reading numbers and neither of our numbers are chosen. She must have called 20 numbers at least, but neither of us won. Needless to say, we were not happy campers. We knew that there were several of the people that won who only used a tape runner and put 5 pictures on a page and they were done...no paper no stickers, no nothing. Sarah and I were kind of disappointed, but we figure we will get them next year.

By the end of the day, we could all tell that we were getting a little loopy. As we were trying to come up with little titles for some of our pages our true comedians were being released. The only problem was that they were our pun-driven bad comedians. We came up with some of the cheesiest things and at that point we knew it was time to hang up our photo splits and go. After all, we had cropped from 9am to 7PM.

After the crop we had a nice dinner and proceeded to head home and pass out. It was such a great day and I am definitely looking forward to doing it again next year!

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