Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yummy White Sauce!

Yummy chicken and white sauce.... delicious!

This past Saturday, Ricky and I ventured out to I-Drive to meet friends for dinner at Kobe's. Normally, I have had fairly decent experiences at Kobe's, but unfortunately, there were a few setbacks this time around. 

My dentist had given my antibiotics to take to make sure that I wasn't allergic to them. Since I am allergic to penicillin they really just wanted to be sure that this particular drug wouldn't have the same effects. Although I didn't have the same effects, I did end up experiencing a few of the side effects. My stomach hurt and I was so incredibly nauseated. Apparently, that is a more than common side effect and of course they were right. Granted, i think the rest of my story had a little to do with the effects, but still it was not a good start. 

So we arrived at Kobe's around 6:30PM and they said that the wait would be about 45 minutes to an hour. Considering it was a Saturday night and was in tourist town, it wasn't that bad. Unfortunately, Kobe's has not adopted the concept of tell the guests a longer time and then when it is shorter they will be thrilled. They did the opposite. We ended up waiting an hour and a half. Now most people that know me fairly well know that I don't like confrontation and I tend to keep quiet about most things, but I was not feeling well and the monster was unleashed. There were multiple bachelorette parties going on that night, and although the first couple did have reservations, there was a third party who didn't. As we were standing by them, one of the girls came up to the rest of the group and was being congratulated because she managed to convince the ladies at the front to get them in faster. I think they may have been in the restaurant 20 minutes and were seated before us. I was no happy. I think I voiced my concern a little too much, but I was hungry and nauseated all at the same time. 

After 90 minutes, we finally were seated from a very nice and entertaining family from North Florida. We thought the wait had finally ended... we were wrong. After they took our drink orders, it was another 30 minutes before we even saw water. Once we finally did get our drinks though it went very smoothly and I would say efficiently. The food was delicious as always and the teppanyaki chef was wonderful entertainment. How could get the eggs to cooperate, but he made it very amusing. 

Once I got some food and liquid in my system, the nausea started to go away, but I was still a bit shaky. We all managed to have a lovely evening despite the wait, and although they kept filling my sprite glass with water it was an enjoyable evening. 

I did try my antibiotics the following day with food and I didn't get any of the side effects, so I do think the effects were increased by the circumstances, but I am still not showing signs of any allergy so I should be fine.  

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