Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What do you mean 4?

Last night,  I had my studio art class (which I am enjoying by the way) and was siting listening to the general info at the beginning when the professor starts to discuss our first studio assignment. From reading the syllabus, I was under the assumption that we were going to have one large piece that contained four divided sections to show examples of the different types of art (representational, abstract, non-representational, and conceptual). I had started to formulate a few ideas, but nothing concrete as of yet. 

As he was describing the assignment, one of the students raised her hand and asked the magic question, "Wait are we doing 1 piece for all four or 1 for each?" The response, "You will have 4 total pieces." 


So in the next 2 weeks I have 4 studio pieces I need to start, work on and finish. Welcome back to studio class!

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