Saturday, January 10, 2009

My First UCF Basketball Game

Knightro giving high-fives to the fans

Now that's pretty cool

UCF Team during a time out

Ricky and I at the UCF vs Memphis Game

At one point we were winning and I have proof (this was the score at the half)

Tonight Ricky and I decided that we needed to go to a UCF Basketball game. I attended UCF for 5 years and I never once made it to a basketball game. UCF was set to play Memphis who is in our conference and they were trying to make this the game of the season. Granted, we weren't expected to win much less score very often, but Ricky really wanted to go to this one. I have never really been a huge basketball fan and to be honest, I don't even know all of the rules. BUT I will say that tonight I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The atmosphere is totally different than a football game in that it is constant movement. There is always something going on (Unlike our boring football season). Since I really don't follow basketball and I really don't know all of the rules, Ricky would fill me in if something exciting or strange happened. Most of the time, I would just wait to see how everyone else reacted so I could cheer or boo appropriately. It was just a fun atmosphere to be in . The Arena is supposed to hold 9,500 fans and today broke the record at 9825 approximately. So much for fire codes I suppose. It was just nuts. 

The best part was the fact that they gave the student section these posters that had spirals on them and a paper clip. Whenever Memphis went to make a penalty throw the student section would spin the spirals. I was getting dizzy watching it and I was on the opposite end of the arena. Apparently it worked because they missed a great deal of penalty throws tonight. 

In the end UCF lost, but considering it was supposed to be a blow out game and we only lost by 7 points (73-66), I'd say we made a fairly decent showing. It was a fun game and although I don't understand basketball, I think I would be interested in going to a game or two more often. 

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