Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Carol!

Ricky and I @ Carol's Birthday Dinner

Ricky and Carol.. yay!

Carol opening gifts before dinner

Yin Yang Fondue


Tonight Ricky and I went to the Melting Pot to celebrate Carol's birthday. Even though the Melting Pot was very popular in St. Pete when I was in high school, I never managed to get there.  I have to say that aside from the price, it is a restaurant I would like to frequent. Their food was incredibly tasty. We started with a cheese fondue that was mixed with Sam Adams, cheddar cheese, tabasco, and garlic. It was soooo good with the bread and vegetables we were able to use for dipping. Then we moved onto salad which was tasty and then the plethora of protein started to flow in. We had a basic broth to cook our meat in, but the best part was the fact that the dipping sauces just kept coming. They had one called the Green Goddess which was essentially cream cheese and chives... it was sooo good on the potatoes (Ricky was a fan of putting it onto the mushrooms, but we know how I try to avoid the fungus). To finish off the meal we had a chocolate fondue called the Flaming Turtle (go ahead and make the jokes.. I'm sure they were said at dinner tonight). It was essentially chocolate, pecans, caramel and then set on fire. Awesome! The Yin Yang fondue pictured above was a different chocolate selection by one of the other couples at our table. I just thought it looked very cool. 

It was nice to be able to hang out with Carol and Kevin again and equally nice to meet all of their friends who were incredibly nice and genuinely entertaining. I love having dinner with a group of people who can joke and have a serious conversation all at the same time. It tends to be a guaranteed good time had by all and in this case it was!

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