Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So last week as I was attending one of my graduate classes I became aware of some very unfortunate news. I am not going to be able to go the Flogging Molly concert. BOO! 

As I was sitting in class, our professor started to list off article for our class presentations. He was going one by one down the list and taking volunteers for each week. Jen (my classmate and MEd student as well) and I decided to select weeks that we knew wouldn't conflict with other assignments we were going to have to do. So we volunteered for week 3 since the article was short and there wasn't too much we had due for one of our other classes (we have class together on Wednesday and Thursday night). As our professor was looking for volunteers for the next week, Jen and I started deciding which one we wanted to do next, but all of a sudden, the professor just started assigning the rest of the weeks. Of all the weeks to assign, he gives us the night of the Flogging Molly concert. I am allowed to miss one class without being penalized and I was going to miss that particular one because of the concert. But no.. the only night I want to miss, I have to give a presentation that is 20% of my grade. Awesome.

So I know what you are thinking.. well what are you going to do with the tickets. Well, since we paid for the tickets and Ricky doesn't have any plans for that night, he is going to go with his friend Drew. So as they are enjoying the one concert I wanted to go to this year, I will be in class giving a presentation about an article I probably won't enjoy. Yay me!

On a side note, after telling my brother the story he told me that Flogging Molly is going to be part of the Warped Tour this summer so I think we all may go to that as well. Granted, its not HOB but at least I would be able to see them. 

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