Monday, February 2, 2009

Best Super Bowl Party in Town

Me & Ricky before the game started (see I'm not that puffed)

Dan, Link & Jen

Alana took a great picture of my brother..

Ricky and I with Alana... Ricky is such a goof ball

Annika, Stephanie, and Ben enjoying the game...

Congratulations Steelers Fans!

As most people on planet Earth know, Super Bowl XLIII was yesterday. As amazing of a day as it was, I must say my day did not start too well.

Since I had my wisdom teeth out on Friday, I have ben one painkillers and antibiotics. For the first two days I felt a little yucky, but for the most part, I was fine. I spent most of my time relaxing and I even blogged about it. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon. Saturday night, I started to get a fairly bad headache. Since the painkillers they gave me weren't working for that I decided to take some Advil instead. BAD IDEA! My headache went away which was great, but unfortunately, the cocktail of other drugs still floating around in my system decided that the Advil was not invited to the party and therefore must leave. So at around 3:30AM I was ejecting the Advil from my stomach. Lets just say for several hours life in my body was not fun.

So for most of the day, Ricky was cleaning the house and getting everything ready for the party while I slept off the effects of the medicine. The party went off without a hitch though. Throughout the course of the game we hit 35 people. It was a nice number, not too crowded and consisted of people from multiple walks of life and group of our friends. It was nice to have everyone over finally. Each person brought a different finger food to share. We had everything from, meatballs, buffalo chicken dip, onion dip, vegetables and dip, chili cheese, cheese and every other dip you can think of, smokies, cookies, brownies, wings.. we had it all and much much more. Unfortunately, I still cannot really chew so I was relegated to the dips I could eat with a spoon. Lets just say i had a lot of buffalo chicken dip and chili cheese dip. They are better when you can use tortilla chips but considering the fact that I couldn't take on anything too big, it was still tasty. 

We had fans from both sides cheering (including some really excited Steelers fans) and over all the game and the commercials were a success. We think everyone had a good time and even though I am still battling the teeth, I managed to be fairly sociable.  

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