Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ICE! @ Gaylord Palms

Ricky in the walkway of ice.. he thinks it looks like he is being eaten

Nothing like acting like a penguin to brighten your day..

Ricky and I prior to heading into the exhibit in our parkas

Me in the Ice House

Us on Santa's giant lap

Yea... its COLD.. but oh so cool!

This is quite possibly one of the most unique exhibits I have seen in a long time. Aside from the fact that it is only 9 degrees, the sculptures and attractions are quite entertaining. I mean how can you go wrong with slides carved out of giant blocks of ice? 

Apparently, from what Ricky tells me this exhibit is done every year at the Gaylord Palms and yet this is the first year I can remember ever hearing about it. I think it may have been the fact that we actually saw pictures from friends who went prior to today and we decided it was something we had to check out ( copy cats... maybe.. but I am okay with that). 

Poor Ricky was sans gloves, so his poor fingers were frozen. I on the other hand had nice warm gloves and yet my thumbs still froze. Another member of our party that got a little chilly was my poor camera. I only brought my little camera and apparently it felt that 9 degrees wasn't an appropriate temperature. So every few pictures I shut off the camera and held it between my hands to warm it back up. We still managed to get some great photos though. 

The exhibit has everything from a giant Santa that you can sit on, an entire ice house you can walk into, giant ornaments, winter animals of all sorts, a full nativity scene and of course Santa in shorts next to a gator (it doesn't get much more Florida than that).

It was such a "cool" experience.. (pardon the pun) and although we may not go back every year, it is something everyone should experience at least once... especially Floridians.. if you have never felt 9 degrees, there's no time like the present. 

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