Friday, December 19, 2008

Apple Addiction

So recently our family has decided to go on an Apple binge. I think it started to occur right after Ricky found out that they were releasing an iPhone with 3G technology. With his upgrade availability approaching, he was counting down the days until he could get his new toy. Shortly after that news, I decided to start saving up to buy my MacBook since I was going to start school in the spring. So I saved my money that I received from pilot testing and managed to earn more than enough money in the process to pick of my computer. YAY!

The day I bring it home, Ricky decided that he wanted to propose the idea at work that he needed a MacBook Pro for his new position. Granted, it is going to help his job tenfold, but my moment in the spotlight was abruptly crushed (On a positive note though.. I actually get to keep mine). Ultimately, Ricky's computer was approved and he just received it a day or so ago. He was very excited.. one might say giddy... yeah I believe that is the correct term. Ricky also was able to get his iPhone on Monday of this past week. We went to Best Buy after he got home from work and got everything (with a few exceptions) that he needed to protect it for as long as possible. I never realized how hard those invisible shields are to put on, but it took like 10+ minutes for the Best Buy associate to get it on. One thing I will say though is that is was incredibly nice of him to do that since we had been reading that people have had problems getting the air bubbles out. Ricky's does not have any. 

So between Ricky's new computer, his iPhone, and my MacBook, the Currey Clan now has assisted Apple's fight for dominance over the world (Steve Jobs would be proud).  

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