Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break = Sick and Coughing

I had the best of intentions this week to get ahead with my school work. I wanted to make sure I had at least 2 weeks of work done so I wouldn't have to procrastinate, but what happens? I get the illness. Yay!

If you have spoken to me at all this week you would know how horrible I sounded. I sounded like I swallowed a frog and then possibly swallowed his brother just for a little extra depth in my voice. Yeah, it was bad and although I am feeling better the worst is still upon me. Not that I am getting worse, but that annoying lingering cough is here now. I think that is worse than being sick. It pops up just when you are trying to get something accomplished and then you feel like your lung should be in front of you. I think it is just more annoying than anything. 

Fortunately, over the past few days, I have managed to at least brainstorm a bit about my art curriculum that I have been working on. I think I have finally narrowed down my focus and it is all starting to come together. Once I finish the curriculum I will share the info, but until its done, I need to keep it secret =). 

I can't believe there are only 7 weeks left of the semester. That's ridiculous. Time has just flown by. I have decided that I wont be taking a "class" this summer. I can't afford to have an actual class this summer, but I am in the process of potentially taking a free class. If I can get approved to take the class, I will probably be doing that on Wednesdays. We'll have to see if that works out or not. If it does, I will again keep you posted on that info. 

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