Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mardi Gras Part I: Bare Naked Ladies

Yay! We made it to Mardi Gras! (Orlando)

Ricky decided to be funny and pretend he was not having a good time...

Then I made Ricky feel bad so he decided to make up for it...

Well, just as an update, Saturday did turn out to be a nice night after all. I actually got to go to at least one of the events I was hoping for. For a while I was worried because on Friday I started getting sick and I was worried that although the weather was great outside, I wasn't going to be able to go. fortunately, I felt well enough to go out with Ricky. 

Barenaked Ladies recently lost one of their band members and we didn't know if their older songs would sound the same, but to be honest they sounded just fine to me. I don't know all of their songs, but they did play all the ones I knew which is all that mattered. I like being able to sing along when I go to a concert. It was the perfect night for the concert though, just cool enough were it wasn't muggy, yet not too cold where it was uncomfortable. 

Our next attempt at Mardi Gras is on the 21st of March when we go to see Collective Soul. The big Mardi Gras day though will be on April 4th when MC Hammer comes to town. If for no other reason than curiosity the show should be fun. The only thought that keeps lingering in my mind is the fact that we tend to get rain at least once when we go out to Universal for Mardi Gras, so we shall have to wait and see what happens in the weekends to come. 

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