Thursday, February 26, 2009
Great book deal at Target
Just a heads up to those of you who are interested in board books for kids... Target currently has Sesame Street board books for a $1.00. (At least the one in Waterford does)
Just a little update...
Here's just a little update as February comes to a close...
All is going well so far in 2009. Ricky has been hard at work at the Golf Channel, although this past week has handed him a little extra work than he was anticipating. Why you might ask?? In case you didn't hear, Tiger is back. He has returned and some of the best commercials on television discuss this very thing. So, now there is a large amount of extra work that needs to be done in order to integrate Tiger back into the game. Granted, he s doing a fairly decent job of that himself thus far. Ricky is enjoying his work though.
Both of us decided that we were going to start working on weight loss again this year, but unfortunately have been running into some road blocks thus far, so we have made a pledge that we are going to jump back on the band wagon on Sunday and see if March can be a better starting point for us than January and February have been.
As far as grad school goes, I have posted a bit about it, but just some quick info, things are going well so far. I have started mapping out the rest of my semesters and if all goes according to the schedule, I should be done in December 2010. So we shall see and obviously that can be subject to change at any point.
Ricky and I are looking forward to our 2nd anniversary coming up in about a month and a half, but until then we are looking forward to other exciting events between then and now. (For example, we are going to see Robin Williams next Friday night, and Ricky gets to see Flogging Molly on Thursday... we won't talk about that disappointment though).
So as of right now, all is quiet on the Currey front... we are just enjoying this year thus far and are looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer. Who knows, maybe we will win Powerball.. if that happens, party at the Currey House, if not.. we'll think of another reason to have a party.. I'm thinking movie night... we'll see.
What about the slides?
OK, OK I understand that the world of slides and overhead projectors may seem prehistoric, but is it really necessary to submit to the torture of powerpoint? I completely believe in the idea of using powerpoint as an aid and in many ways it beats having to backtrack a slide projector because the slide is in upside down, but unfortunately, powerpoint is all too often misused and abused.
I have spent more time in powerpoint in the past month than any one person should ever have to. It's gotten to the point where I know what order their themes come in and I can skip to the page I want. AHH! I never thought it would come to this.
Ok, ranting aside, like I said, powerpoint is a useful tool if utilized correctly, just remember if you are bored reading it, your students will be in even worse shape. I'm just saying...
It's March already?
I can't believe I am half way through the semester already. Where has the time gone? Well, I know where the time went... towards writing papers hours before they were due, or lugging heavy art books from the library all the way to the parking garage. It has just gone by so quickly. Its going to be March on Sunday... Sunday. The first quarter of the year is almost over.
I remember when I was a kid, time didn't seem to go by so fast. Christmas was forever away and summer seemed to last forever. When I was unemployed the time slowed down quite a bit because I always had a feeling of getting nothing accomplished. But now, with the addition of a schedule into my life again, suddenly time just goes by because I am worried about what's next. What do I need to get done?
Granted, I am not complaining at all. I have definitely been enjoying 2009 so far. It has been an interesting adventure so far and I am looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store, I just hope it slows down just a little. =)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
BK's Kids @ Ronald McDonald House

BK's Kid volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House
Last Friday (Friday 13th), Ricky and I were invited to help volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House out near Winnie Palmer (The hospital is so much bigger than it looks from the interstate and is gorgeous by the way). One of Ricky's business associates organizes a trip there every other month or so to serve dinner to the residents. We went with a group of Ricky's coworkers and served pizza and salads and just in case they were short on chocolate, we brought enough chocolate to send everyone in the house into a diabetic coma. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to be able to volunteer there again since I used to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House in St. Pete when I was in high school. It is a great organization and I must admit, serving dinner is much more enjoyable than the old job I had of cleaning lawn furniture.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The lovers, the dreamers, and ME!

Gobo Fraggle
Jim Henson loves us
Why are there so many, songs about rainbows...
Rubber Duckie, you're the one...
Outside the History Center
Ricky and I after dinner at Texas de Brazil
Today was quite possibly the best Valentine's Day yet. I had the whole day off and Ricky and I decided to turn our dinner into an entire day of fun. The first thing we did was try the Mellow Mushroom pizza place for the first time. We had driven by the one in Winter Park several times before, but we never managed to make it in. Recently, they decided to build one near UCF on East Colonial. They had quite a tasty pizza and lived up to the hype that we have been hearing.
After lunch we headed to the History Center to see the Jim Henson exhibit. We had planned on going to see it at some point while it was here, but as Ricky was looking up the information, he discovered that today was free admission into all the exhibits (and they validated our parking). So today was in fact the perfect day. I didn't realize that you weren't supposed to take pictures so I managed to get a few from the exhibit before I got yelled at. Oops. At least I got pictures of the two things specifically that we wanted to see. After walking through the Henson exhibit, we actually walked through the rest of the History Center. It is a great place to spend a few hours just looking around. They are having a photography exhibit in the fall that I think we are going to go to as well.
After the History Center, we still had some time to kill before dinner, so I changed into my dress for dinner and we walked around the Outlets for awhile. They are so much nicer now that they have been rebuilt. We went into a few stores and looked around, but the best stop was in the Victoria's Secret Outlet. Let's just say that I saved over $150 on the things that I purchased. Ricky was actually encouraging me to buy more things because he felt I was getting such a good deal. It was great. Nothing like shopping at Victoria's Secret on Valentine's Day.
So for dinner, Ricky and I decided we wanted to try Texas de Brazil. Ricky had a need to be served meat off of swords, so we made reservations and all I have to say is that it was worth every cent we paid for it. The service as wonderful, the food was absolutely delicious, and they gave me a long stemmed red rose for Valentine's Day. We had salad first (which included fresh mozzarella), then the meat selection just kept coming. You have these little cards that are red and green. If you flip the green side up the meat gauchos are constantly stopping by with all sort of different kinds of meat (filet mignon, lamb, sirloin, chicken, things wrapped in bacon... they just kept coming and coming). To finish the evening, we shared a piece of carrot cake that just made the meal perfect.
We definitely had a fantastic day and between the meat on a stick, sales at the outlets, kermit the frog, and just being able to spend the entire day out and about, it made the weekend well worth it.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I can't win... ugh!
The wisdom teeth are gone, the stitches are out, I finally got rid of my migraine.. things should be going great right... oh no.. guess what's next? Thats right.. its allergy season and the nose is running, the eyes are watering, and the throat is scratchy. Oh yeah! I really shouldn't be too surprised though, it happens every year, it just seemed like it all came at once.
On a positive note, Ricky's childhood music lesson teacher's daughter Hannah, received a Grammy this evening. At a young age, she is now the proud recipient of a Grammy for Best Children's album. She sings several of the songs on the They Might Be Giants album Here Come the 1 2 3's. I am attaching the youtube link below so you can listen to her sing the monkey song. All I have to say is that I am a proud supporter of her music career considering how many times I have either listened to their music or purchased their CDs. (and yes I have every intention of having copies for myself)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The torture is over!
The stitches came out today! This morning I drove over to Port Orange and had my 2 stitches removed. I think it might have taken 2 secs. He went in snipped them and then pulled them right out. Once again no fuss, no muss. The best part was the fact that the first question he asked me when I went in was how much I puffed up. Unfortunately, I had to disappoint him when I told him I didn't. I jokingly said next time and all he said was, "Your torture is over, there isn't going to be a next time." So it was a quick 5 minute visit to the dentist. Everything still looks fine and I don't have to go back until my next regular cleaning. Yay!
And just as an update. I actually chewed through a bowl of semi mushy cereal today so I am on the road to crunchy food again. What I wouldn't give for a plate of celery with ranch dressing right now.... SOON...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Best Super Bowl Party in Town
Me & Ricky before the game started (see I'm not that puffed)
Dan, Link & Jen
Alana took a great picture of my brother..
Ricky and I with Alana... Ricky is such a goof ball
Annika, Stephanie, and Ben enjoying the game...
Congratulations Steelers Fans!
As most people on planet Earth know, Super Bowl XLIII was yesterday. As amazing of a day as it was, I must say my day did not start too well.
Since I had my wisdom teeth out on Friday, I have ben one painkillers and antibiotics. For the first two days I felt a little yucky, but for the most part, I was fine. I spent most of my time relaxing and I even blogged about it. Unfortunately, I spoke too soon. Saturday night, I started to get a fairly bad headache. Since the painkillers they gave me weren't working for that I decided to take some Advil instead. BAD IDEA! My headache went away which was great, but unfortunately, the cocktail of other drugs still floating around in my system decided that the Advil was not invited to the party and therefore must leave. So at around 3:30AM I was ejecting the Advil from my stomach. Lets just say for several hours life in my body was not fun.
So for most of the day, Ricky was cleaning the house and getting everything ready for the party while I slept off the effects of the medicine. The party went off without a hitch though. Throughout the course of the game we hit 35 people. It was a nice number, not too crowded and consisted of people from multiple walks of life and group of our friends. It was nice to have everyone over finally. Each person brought a different finger food to share. We had everything from, meatballs, buffalo chicken dip, onion dip, vegetables and dip, chili cheese, cheese and every other dip you can think of, smokies, cookies, brownies, wings.. we had it all and much much more. Unfortunately, I still cannot really chew so I was relegated to the dips I could eat with a spoon. Lets just say i had a lot of buffalo chicken dip and chili cheese dip. They are better when you can use tortilla chips but considering the fact that I couldn't take on anything too big, it was still tasty.
We had fans from both sides cheering (including some really excited Steelers fans) and over all the game and the commercials were a success. We think everyone had a good time and even though I am still battling the teeth, I managed to be fairly sociable.
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