Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And the winner is.... Mac

Guess what... I have made a decision....

For those of you who don't know, I have been deliberating over a dilemma for the past couple of days over which laptop to buy. I have wanted to purchase a MacBook for grad school, but the model I wanted to get (the cheaper one) is being discontinued and I didn't know if I was going to get all of my money in time to purchase the one I wanted. The problem was that the new one was going to be over $300 more than the low end one. 

As I went into Best Buy this week, I was looking into PCs because they tend to be cheaper and I wanted to know what my options were. I found an HP that was considerably cheaper than the Mac, but I would have to deal with Vista (Not something I was looking forward to). I was prepared to purchase the HP because I didn't think I was going to be able to afford the Mac in time and I was having an emotional dilemma. With arguments coming from Ricky for the PC and Kenneth for the Mac I didn't know what to do. Should I get the HP or wait and see if I could get a Mac?

So after thinking about the options, I decided to ask the one non-biased person that is up at 5:30 in the morning while I was waiting to go to work.... my mom. I talked to her about my options and we came to the decision that I would get the Mac one way or another. 

So I went to the Mac Store in Altamonte after work today and talked with the rep to discuss my options. He first asked me if I had a student id and when I told him yes he smiled and said that I was going to get a great deal. After hearing that, I was ready to buy. I told him my thoughts and I left with a Macbook and iWork. The best part was that fact that I had pretty much the exact amount in our account that I needed for the purchase today (and I was still waiting on money from Pearson for my testing).

Yay! I got my laptop today and I am a happy camper. I am glad that I had the dilemma though because it made me realize how much I really wanted the Mac and that I made the right decision. To top it off, when I got home today, I received the rest of my money from Pearson, so now I have replacement funds for my account.. Yay for Christmas shopping money! 

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