Ricky & I before band rehearsal
The Sousas
Alana laughing at Ricky and his Sousa mouthpiece
Ricky & Laura
(17-6 Southern Miss)
Three words to describe this game were:
Sousas, Sunburn, and Lost
This past weekend,
UCF held their Homecoming Game against the Southern Miss Golden Eagles. Aside from the fact that the game was horribly dull and we lost didn't ruin our day. Ricky participated in the alumni marching band which meant that he was going to perform with the current Marching Knights during half time.
We started off the day fairly early (but I'm sure not as early as some). We checked in and went out to the practice field where the alumni band were going to go over their music and practice their moves. While Rachel,
Annika, and Ricky were marching Dave and I took turns keeping an eye on Emma for Rachel and going up into the tower to take pictures. It was actually quite fun to watch because once the band started to play
Twist and Shout, they had to learn their dance steps. So of course, Emma and I started to learn them as well. I must say we had some pretty
rockin' moves.
After practice, we had lunch near the alumni center. This year's food wasn't as good as last year, but we managed to survive. Once 3PM rolled around we got into our positions in the stands and watched the game. We started so well and then it just went downhill. Fortunately, at half time we got to watch the alumni band perform, which is always fun. Ricky even forgot a step, but I didn't even notice until he said something.
Another cool aspect of this game was the fact that my aunt was able to join us and watch my cousin Henry as he participated in the
UCF colorguard once again. This time Henry got to carry the Army flag. This
colorguard was a mixture of Army and Air Force, but unfortunately when they announced them, they only mentioned Air Force. Boo Hiss to the announcer for that one.
After the game, the tubas, my aunt, cousin Henry and Lena all went to Outback for dinner. By looking at us you would have thought we had all run a marathon. We looked exhausted and it was only 8PM. I guess that's what happens when you get older.
All in all it was a great day filled with great friends... I kind of wish we would have won, but there is always next year.