Thursday, January 1, 2009

I have to park where????

So in case you are wondering, it takes 20 minutes to walk from Aquatica to the entrance of Seaworld. Now I know what you are thinking... Why, oh why do you have this random information and why are you sharing it with us? Well, I recently experienced this 20 minute hike because on Tuesday of this week, I actually had to park at Aquatica to go to Seaworld. Ricky and his family headed over in the morning while I was at work. I had received several messages from Ricky telling me that the park seemed crowded, but I wasn't too worried. I was getting off of work at 1pm so I figured by then it may clear out a bit. 

So after I got off work, I headed to Seaworld and aside from the fact that there was an insane amount of traffic going through downtown Orlando, I made decent time getting to I-Drive. When I got off the exit, there was a little traffic, but nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year. The problem came when I finally go to the entrance and there were pylons blocking the driveways to the parking lot. On a huge traffic sign the words "Seaworld lot full, proceed to Aquatica for Parking." My immediate thought was.. "What??" I still wasn't too concerned because I figured they were going to shuttle us to Seaworld so it wouldn't be so bad. So I park and go to the aisle for the shuttle... no I take that back.. Mears bus... and there is a line that stretches across the entire length of the parking lot. The official parking people said it was going to be about an hour wait to get on one of these buses. Excuse me? An hour wait in the Aquatica parking lot at 2 in the afternoon.. no thank you. So I asked the nice police officer where the sidewalk was and I walked all the way to Seaworld. Fortunately, I knew where I was going and apparently I looked as though I knew what I was doing because I had multiple groups of tourists following me. It was much more efficient. 

Needless to say, I eventually arrived at the park and can honestly say i have never in my life seen that many people in Seaworld. It was ridiculous. We did get to ride on the Polar Express which was quite fun. I love the fact that they completely change all of the facades in the Wild Arctic ride to make it feel like a completely different experience. To top it off, I was even able to watch the video this time because it wasn't as jerky. I didn't even feel queasy. After the ride we decided to head out since it was still incredibly crowded and had a very nice dinner. 

So in case you ever need to walk to Seaworld, just make sure you set aside 20 minutes and you should be good to go.  

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