I know there are many of you out there that do not understand why some of us make lists... however, the picture I posted above is the best way I know how to explain it. This list of Nemo characters was made back in April. This list of 24 characters and objects (if you are counting there are multiple poles and seagulls), this list slowly but surely kept me on track as I worked through the painting needed for the Nemo Room to be complete. Every time I got to cross something off the list, I knew I was one step closer to reaching my goal.
Now, as I look at the completed list with everything crossed off I have a full sense of accomplishment. I can see the work I have achieved and I can visualize my progress. Can this be done without a list? Of course it can... but as I look at this list, its not just about the items that were crossed off. Its about the memories of the journey and remembering the feeling each time I got to find one of my pencils so I could cross it off.
Having a list sometimes reminds you of the work that's ahead, but it also can work as the pathway to the success you are looking for...
One month from yesterday, the Nemo Room will be unveiled...
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