Sunday, September 25, 2011

Three Weeks and Counting...

With the Nemo unveiling approaching, there is still so much to get done.

I have decided that it was time to get the whole house under control so I have started a mission to see if I can deep clean the whole house in preparation for the party. Over the course of the past two days I have managed to get a great deal accomplished... however, I have not been able to cross too many things off my list. Due to my self-diagnosed ADD I tend to work on multiple projects at once. So although I have managed to get a good number of things started, very few things have been finished.

However, I am not giving up. I have always said that you have to make a mess before it is truly clean and I am sticking to that. Once I cross something off the list, it will not only be completed, it will be done right. For example, I have "do laundry" on my list. I have managed to do several loads of laundry and have managed to fold it all, but until all of the laundry is done, I cannot cross it off the list.

The other advantage to taking my time with this deep clean is the fact that I can go through our stuff in preparation for the potential garage sale. Our neighborhood has two big garage sales a year. Unfortunately, they decided to have it the same weekend as the Nemo unveiling. So... depending on game time (which they still haven't set yet) we might be able to participate in the garage sale and maybe make a few bucks in the process... which is always nice.

The overall goal of everything is to be able to relax and enjoy the Nemo party in a few weeks without having to worry about the house being clean or ready. I am hoping for a relaxing day before hand prepping for the garage sale and making sure the party amazing.. and I am hoping I can cross a few more things off my list before the end of the day.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This is why I make lists...

This is why I make lists.....

I know there are many of you out there that do not understand why some of us make lists... however, the picture I posted above is the best way I know how to explain it. This list of Nemo characters was made back in April. This list of 24 characters and objects (if you are counting there are multiple poles and seagulls), this list slowly but surely kept me on track as I worked through the painting needed for the Nemo Room to be complete. Every time I got to cross something off the list, I knew I was one step closer to reaching my goal.

Now, as I look at the completed list with everything crossed off I have a full sense of accomplishment. I can see the work I have achieved and I can visualize my progress. Can this be done without a list? Of course it can... but as I look at this list, its not just about the items that were crossed off. Its about the memories of the journey and remembering the feeling each time I got to find one of my pencils so I could cross it off.

Having a list sometimes reminds you of the work that's ahead, but it also can work as the pathway to the success you are looking for...

One month from yesterday, the Nemo Room will be unveiled...