Monday, September 22, 2008

Library Job Update...

Well, if there was ever a person who heard the word "No" more than me I would like to meet them. In case the first sentence wasn't a dead giveaway, I didn't get the job at the library. They called me a few minutes ago and told me that the only reason I didn't get the job was because someone ended up transferring to their branch from another branch. But any way you slice it, its still a no. She did say that I did really well in my interview and that if another position were to open at their branch that I should definitely apply. That made me feel a little bit better, but it still gives me a heavier sinking with every rejection. There's always a reason.... there's always a no.

For anyone who thinks the economy is still doing well and for anyone who thinks times aren't as bad as they seem.... you are obviously blind. Just to total up my time thus far (not including the fact that I was a substitute because I made all of $1500) I have been unemployed for 16 months now. Almost a year and a half... and with every rejection I am starting to get to the point where I really don't want to get excited about anything anymore because once I do, that's when the rejection starts. I'm tired of being disappointed and I am tired of being rejected.

My only hope now is that I get an acceptance letter for grad school since I cant seem to get one from anywhere else.

1 comment:

Link said...

hey, keep checking. another one opened at the herdon branch where jen works. if you put on your application that you were referred by jen, they will give you consideration.