Ricky and I in Old Town

Annika's sister Nikki enjoying the ride (and a blurred Ricky)

Annika and Alana getting ready to drive the go karts

Go Kart Fun

Everyone going through the Fun House
So prior to departing for our trip to DC, Ricky and I were invited to spend the evening with Dave and Annika. Since it was Teacher Appreciation Week, teachers were allowed to bring in 4 guests to Fun Spot for only $5. This price was great considering the armbands that we received would normally cost us $50.
So we met up with Dave and Annika in Old Town for dinner prior to heading over to Fun Spot. I managed to make a total mess of my shirt (that will teach me to wear white..) and yet dinner was still very nice.
After dinner we walked over to Fun Spot and met up with Annika's family to get our armbands. Once everyone was squared away the real fun began. First a few people from our group wanted to go on the equivalent of the Himalaya ride that they have at the fair. Although I am not sure what it was actually called, it was basically the same thing. I opted out of this particular ride since it has had a tendency to make me very ill in the past and I really wanted to ride on the go karts. The parts of out group that went seemed to have a good time, but I was definitely ready for some go kart action.
Here is where the Fun in Fun Spot became ironic. Everyone gets into a go kart and we begin to rev up the engines. We are all set and the attendant moves the cone away so that we could be on our way. Unlike everyone else on the entire track, I got the go kart that maybe maxed out at walking speed. I cannot express how many times I got lapped with my foot literally at pedal to the metal position. Unfortunately, I drove myself around slowly, but figured that the next time I will just stay away from that particular kart. So after we finished that track we decided to go hit the other track. This time I was hoping for better luck, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.
We all get into a go kart and once again are ready to go. This time when I pushed the gas down, I really started to move. I was excited. Finally, I was not being lapped by every person on the track, much less multiple times. So as the light turned yellow and it was time to go in, I slowed down just like most of the other drivers. Unfortunately, as I was coming in, a punk kid two cars behind me decides that he didn't want to slow down and nails the kid behind me which in turn causes me to jolt forward and get a major case of whiplash. My head slammed against the back of the go kart chair and all of a sudden I felt this pain running up my neck and across my forehead. Awesome... After filling out an incident report and getting a bag of ice to put on my neck I managed to continue through the evening. Unfortunately, the Fun didn't end there.
We continued through Fun Spot and I watched as everyone else went on the other go kart track and down the slides and to be honest, it was fun to watch the younger kids having a good time (Keegan and Alana seemed to be having a great time). Just before we left, everyone decided that they wanted to go through the fun house. So I was snapping pictures and watching everyone have a blast. Alana enjoyed it so much that she wanted to go multiple times. Unfortunately, on her last trip through she managed to face plant into the concrete when she tripped over a lip that was near the end of the slide. She managed to bust her chin open a bit and once again the MOD of Fun Spot came to our rescue.
After that we decided it was time to call it a night. I must say though, Alana was a real trooper because although she had a busted chin, she was more upset about the fact that we had to leave than she was about her accident. Although the evening was filled with bandaids, incident reports, and a little blood here and there, it was nice to be able to spend some time with everyone and enjoy each other's company. Hopefully next time we will leave out the blood and the necessity for an ice pack.